As the earth tilts away from the sun, the days grow shorter, the light is dimmer, the night is longer. At times it seems as though the darkness will overcome.
As a person tilts further and further away from the Son, the very light of life seems to be about to be extinquished. The darkness can be overwhelming. I know. I have been there.
Lately I have been experiencing a different type of darkness. It is not due to "tilting away" from God. It seems to be more of a natural result of the growing desire to completely unite to Him. Like the change of seasons, the spiritual life naturally passes from one season to another. Is you soul in winter? Spring cannot be far behind. Are you basking in the warmth of His Love. Remember this grace for the times when the prayer seem to be empty and the Lord appears to be distant.
Seasons of Prayer. Seasons of the spiritual life. Sometimes it helps just to remember that this may just be a season.
Father, this is wonderful..... Lately I have been feeling like this also. I just happened upon this and felt "wow that is me". In searching this and going through it is seems I want to be around people to discuss, pray, and be with the Lord. Alas, I find not everyone has my zeal here in my local community. I keep praying for a growth in our local faith community and I am trying to get together a day of adoration. Thank you, Thank you for your Seasons of Prayer.