LOURDES, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 13:  Pope Benedict...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

I am about to begin a new chapter in my life.  It is nothing unusual in the life of a priest, but that does not mean that it is easy.  I have been transferred from Our Lady of Lourdes parish to St. Michael Parish.  St. Michael the Archangel Parish is about an hour away from my current location.  It is also about an hour away from the nursing home where my Grandmother has resided for the past 8 weeks. I have been her primary care giver for the last 16 years.  Dementia and a bad fall necessitated her move to a place where she would have continuous care.  It broke my heart, but I now know it was the best thing I could do for her.

So now that I no longer have charge of her day to day care, the Bishop has asked me to take this new assignment.  It will be the first time in my priesthood that I have not been associated with a church dedicated to our Lady.  I have had a strong devotion to St. Michael ever since I was around 3 years old when I learned "St. Michael the Archangel was named after me".  I also thought sunny days meant that God was shining His love directly on and only for me!  I outgrew that notion some time in my late 40's...

Now I know it is directly on me, I can share it with others without any loss of light, warmth, love or attention.  Amen.

Please pray for me that I will be a good pastor.  Please ask God to give me strength and zeal for the task and protection from the wickedness and wiles of the evil one.
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  1. Definitely praying for you!!!! Best of luck with the move!


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